Karan Mehta
Hi, it is my first custom built pc and i would really like some help in knowing what components will be best for me:
software I want use are :-
3. 3ds max
4. adobe software's (AutoCAD, Lightroom, in design, illustrator etc.)
5.rhino and grasshopper with plug ins.
I want a a dual monitor set up where the monitors synchronized. I can move elements from one monitor to another. also It should be apt for rendering in one monitor and at the same time working on another software in another monitor.
my budget is:- 2000 pounds plus minus 100 pounds
please suggest specs
Karan Mehta
please Help as I am confused with all the components
software I want use are :-
3. 3ds max
4. adobe software's (AutoCAD, Lightroom, in design, illustrator etc.)
5.rhino and grasshopper with plug ins.
I want a a dual monitor set up where the monitors synchronized. I can move elements from one monitor to another. also It should be apt for rendering in one monitor and at the same time working on another software in another monitor.
my budget is:- 2000 pounds plus minus 100 pounds
please suggest specs
Karan Mehta
please Help as I am confused with all the components